Monday, March 16, 2009

4-H Cloverleaf is Now Online Only!

In order to reduce cost and increase sustainability the 4-H Cloverleaf is now online. That means you will no longer receive your copy every other month in your postal box. If you have completed your annual membership or volunteer enrollment and provided us with your email address you will receive it via email. If you are not sure if 4-H has your current email you can email Shelley at and provide her with it. We will also continue to post it on the 4-H website and here on the 4-H blog. On the blog you can subscribe to the blog, which will not only deliver your 4-H Cloverleaf to your inbox, but all of the other posts about activities and events that come up. So here is the April 2009 4-H Cloverleaf!

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