Friday, November 7, 2008

District IX Holiday Party and Potluck Dinner

Pinellas County 4-H is part of 4-H District IX, along with Hillsborough, Manatee, Pasco, Polk, and Sarasota Counties. Each year 4-H members from throughout the district come together for a variety of reasons. District counties may camp together or hold district-wide competitions. Some of these events are hosted by our District Council, a group of teens from our district counties. District Council is best known for their fabulous 4-H District Congress, a day of workshops and activities open to 4-H juniors and intermediates.

A new tradition began last year with the Annual District IX Holiday Party and Potluck Dinner, held at the Pinellas County Extension Office. This year's event is December 12, beginning at 6:00 P.M. Each person attending is required to bring in one toy for admission. As part of our Florida Centennial Initiative, participants will be wrapping these toys at the party. These toys will later be delivered to needy families. The goal is to collect 100 toys to honor 100 years of 4-H in Florida.

Participants of the Holiday Party will take part in exciting activities and meet 4-H members from across the District. One of the activites will be to tour the beautiful holiday lights in the Florida Botanical Gardens. As this is a potluck dinner, each family is asked to bring two dishes to share.

To register your family for this event, please contact Sean Russell, president if District IX Council at

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