Friday, July 23, 2010

Upcoming 4-H Events in August

It is hard to believe that August is nearly here. Last week 40 4-H members from Pinellas attended Camp Ocala and next week 6 teens will attend 4-H Congress in Gainesville. Then we will be ready to end the 2009-2010 4-H year and begin the2010-2011 year. Here is what is coming up:

  • August 20 - Achievement Banquet, also known as Awards and Recognition Dinner. At this event, county judged projects and club scrapbooks are on display. Those 4-H members who have completed projects receive their year pins and certificates. Other awards and recognition are presented as well. The veiwing of the projects begins at 6:00 p.m. This dinner is pot luck and takes place in the Magnolia Room.
  • August 26 - Ochs Garden Orientation starts at 6:30 in the Magnolia Room. Participants must have pre-registered with Jean Rogalsky at
  • August 28 - 4-H County Congress is the kick-off to the new year. 4-H members can register, view and select project books, elect officers, and learn what they need to know to have a great 4-H year.

Make sure these dates are on your calendar now!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Are You Ready?

Every 4-H horse project member knows that qualifying and preparing for the 4-H State Horse Show is a big deal. The 2010 show runs from July 8-10 at the Florida State Fairgrounds. Here are some thoughts from a Pinellas County Crazy 4 Canines 4-H’er:

Are You Ready?

By: Kaymie Van Benthuysen

Your horse is in the trailer, your car is packed, you take one more look at the checklist, and you pull away!! This is the exciting part where you head off to become a winner at the 2010 4-H State Horse Show!! But what do I mean about the car being packed and taking a last look at the checklist? There are a few steps you must take before heading off for the show. In this report, I will tell you what those steps are, and how to take them.

To make sure you have all the supplies you need for the show, it would be best to print a few different checklists off the internet, and even make one yourself. It would be best to have a few because some things may have some basic things you need, like hay, buckets, grain, pitchforks, a fan and your show clothes, but others may have some more unusual things like, extra Chicago Screws, sun block, camera, extra camera film, or a lint remover. The check list helps you remember all of these things.

You may also need to borrow, buy, or even fix some tack. Before you buy something that you may never use again, ask your friends if they have what you’re looking for. They might even be willing to sell it to you for less than you would get it in a store. If your friends don’t have what you need, you can find a local tack store that has what you need. You’re going to need hay and grain for a few days, so if you are running out of that you will need to buy that too. Also, try on and make sure there isn’t anything wrong with your show clothes. Make sure you have all show clothes that you need.

Finally, practice with your horse to make sure both you and your horse are personally ready. If you have a spooky horse, desensitize them to things that you might encounter at the show, or if your horse needs a tune up, get that done. A horse tune up is a review on what they have learned so when you are in the show ring and you ask them to do something, they know exactly what to do. Make sure that you work on things that you need to improve on. You can even have a dress rehearsal with your horse to see how everything looks.

Once you have done those steps, you are ready to go to the show and have a great time! Good luck to everyone and have an awesome time!!!