Tuesday, March 23, 2010

4-H Legislature Overview

You are invited to attend an informational meeting for Florida 4-H Legislature.

Who: All Senior 4-H’ers that have completed at least one year of membership.

What: Florida 4-H Legislature (June 21 – June 25)

When: The overview meeting will be held on April 8, 2010, 6:30 p.m. at the beginning of the

Teen Council Meeting.

Where: Ochs 4-H Educational Center, 14644 113th Avenue N., Largo, FL 33774

Why: To learn more about Florida 4-H Legislature and prepare to attend one of the

most enriching, dynamic, and fun programs available.

The Florida 4-H Legislature provides an opportunity for teen 4-H members to:

  • Have a “learn by doing” experience in state government each summer.

  • Actually experience all three branches of Florida’s government: Executive, Legislative, and Judicial.

  • Consider, pass, or veto Florida 4-H laws in a model legislative session at the Florida State Capitol.

  • Serve as Florida 4-H senators, representatives, lobbyists, reporters, Lt. Governor or Governor during this 5-day event.

For more information on 4-H Legislature, go to: http://florida4h.org/events/leg.shtml.

If interested, please respond to Andrew at ayuan@pinellascounty.org or Melissa at msharp@pinellascounty.org.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

It's My Environment!

Show your appreciation for your environment by participating in the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) “It’s My Environment” Video Project. The EPA has created this video project in honor of Earth Day, a day to promote appreciation and awareness of Earth’s environment. Participation is easy. Just create a 10-15 second clip where someone off-screen hands you a sign saying “It’s My Environment” (see first link below for printable sign). Hold up the sign and say “It’s My Environment” while doing a small action to protect the environment. As soon as you’re done, pass on the sign to your left. To submit your video, just post a video response on youtube to the EPA’s promotional video (see links below). Check out the promotional video for some samples. The EPA will release a compilation of the clips on April 22nd, 2010 (Earth Day) where it’ll look like the sign is travelling from clip to clip, forming a human chain. Do your part to show how important the environment is to you!

For more information please visit the following links:

For rules & eligibility, “It’s My Environment” sign, and general info:

How to create a youtube account:

How to submit a video response:

EPA’s promotional video:

Monday, March 8, 2010

4-H Day at the Capitol - A Message from the 4-H State President

Hey Florida 4-H Members, Parents, Leaders, Staff, Alumni, and Friends!

On behalf of the Florida 4-H State Council we would like to invite you to join us at 4-H Day at the Capitol 2010! 4-H Day at the Capitol, an exciting event which allows participants to learn about government through the "Learning by Doing" approach that is fundamental to the 4-H Program, will be held on April 22nd in Tallahassee, FL! Participants attending this event will join other 4-H members and supporters as they promote the 4-H and IFAS Extension Programs to government officials and the public, as well as take part in exciting tours and workshops that teach youth the importance of taking an active role in government!
Throughout the day, first time participants can tour historic sites which will include the Old Capitol, New Capitol, Museum of Florida History, and the Union Bank Black Archives Display as they take part in "The Capitol 101!"
If you took part in 2009, we recommend you sign up for one of our new workshops which focus on advocacy and civic engagement, as well as how government affects topics ranging from marine science to agriculture. These new workshops include trips to local museums, Florida State University, an IMAX theatre, and exciting hands on activities!
All participants will also have opportunities to meet 4-H members from across the state, hear from guest speakers at a press conference, and meet with their legislators to share with them the impact 4-H has had on their life! We hope you will join us in Tallahassee for this exciting event, and together, help us accomplish this year's goal of bringing 1,000 people to the Capitol and turn Tallahassee "Green for a Day!"
As we work together to set the precedent for a new century of the Florida 4-H Program, 4-H Day at the Capitol 2010 will truly be a once in a lifetime experience. Make sure you are part of it!
Registration is now available for 4-H Day at the Capitol 2010! Forms, workshop descriptions, the 2010 participation guide, and other educational resources/curriculum can be downloaded from the Florida 4-H website at: <http://florida4h.org/events/Capitol_Day.shtml> http://florida4h.org/events/Capitol_Day.shtml.
These materials were designed to enhance your experience at the Capitol. To take part in the "Capitol 101" tour sessions (recommended for 1st time participants) the registration fee is $15. If you are signing up for the subject-related tours (recommended for returning participants) the registration fee is $20. Registration includes lunch, a t-shirt, and all of the tours and activities throughout your day in Tallahassee!
Thanks to support from the Florida 4-H Foundation, buses will once again be taking participants to this event! Buses will leave from Camp Cloverleaf, Camp Ocala, and the Pensacola area. Participants can sign-up to ride the bus on their registration forms for an additional $25! Registration must be submitted to your county office by their deadline, in order for it to be submitted to the State Office by April 2nd! Don't miss out on your chance to be part of 4-H history. Sign-up now for 4-H Day at the Capitol 2010! Once you've signed up, please spread the word about this event to your fellow 4-H members in your clubs, counties, and district! If you have any questions, feel free to let us know! Looking forward to seeing you at the Capitol on April 22nd!

Sean Russell Florida 4-H State Council President

Candice Drake 2010 4-H Day at the Capitol Chair

(Edited due to length.)