Do you like to take pictures out of doors? If so, the 4-H Marine Ecology program would like to see your pictures of saltwater (marine) or freshwater (aquatic) habitats.
The Marine Ecology Photography Contest is open to 4-H youth, including Cloverbuds. Each 4-H member can enter three photographs in the contest, in any category. Although photographs submitted by Cloverbuds can’t be officially judged in the competition, they will be on display at the event. All photos entered must have been taken in Florida within the last year.
All photographs for the photo contest must be received by the Pinellas County 4-H office by October 17th. All photographs received will be on display at the Marine Ecology Event at the Osceola County Extension Office in Kissimmee on Saturday November 15. Youth do not need to be present at the November 15 event in order to receive a ribbon.
There are 5 categories in which to enter and youth may enter single print photos in any category. All photos must be related to habitat with water and can include photos of animals found in both marine and freshwater environments. The categories are :
· Marine Habitats where the focus in on the habitat not an individual animal or plant.
· Marine Life where the focus is on the animals and/or plants or grouping of marine life
forms (no freshwater).
· People and the Marine/Aquatic world showing how people use and impact both salt and
freshwater world.
· Aquatic Habitat, showing freshwater lakes, ponds, wetlands, swamps or rivers.
· Aquatic life showing specific plants/animals that can be found in freshwater or along the shore.
For questions or further information contact Betty Lipe at or 582-2528, or you can visit this website: marine photo contest rules
Monday, September 29, 2008
4-H Marine and Aquatic Photography Contest
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
4-H Open House and Apple Cook-Off - November 1
Most of you have probably heard about the upcoming 4-H Open House and Apple Cook-Off. If not, each 4-H club is invited to participate by reserving a table to promote your club, hold a fund raiser, or host an activity. Last year nine 4-H clubs showed off their clubs' activities and accomplishments. What would your club like to do?
In addition to the activities, workshops, and exhibits, we will be hosting the 2008 Apple Cook-Off. This year we are adding the savory category. This category will include those recipes that are not dessert-like, or sweet. The savory category will be divided the same as the sweet with Youth, Adult, Family, and Healthy divisions. Interested? Here's what you need to know:
- All recipes must include at least one apple.
- Finished product must be checked in by 10:00 a.m. (November 1).
- A card or printout with the recipe and a card with the entrant's name, category, and phone number must accompany the entry.
- All entries must be pre-registered. Pre-registration forms are available at (underneath the list of Cloverleaf newsletters), by e-mailing, or by calling the 4-H Office.
- Ribbons and certificates will be awarded. Prizes will be awarded to the top winners in each category.
- After judging, all entries will be offered for sampling.
Mark your calendars for November 1, 10:00 - 3:00, at the Extension Office for the 4-H Open House and Apple Cook-Off. Invite your friends and neighbors to come out and see what 4-H is all about. This is also the opening of Market in the Park, so plan on parking at the EMS parking lot.
Friday, September 5, 2008
4-H Apple and Pecan Sale
Sell, sell, sell, apples and pecans is the motto for September! Each club leader should have received their apple and pecan order forms for their members. This fundraiser is not only important to raise needed funds for your club, but it is also the largest fundraiser of the year for the 4-H Foundation. The foundation needs money because they support all of your scholarships to camps, Congress, Legislature, and many other great 4-H activities and events.
The following are some sale tips to get you going:
- Deliver a letter/flyer to neighbors telling them about the sale. Leave an order form with the letter/flyer so they have time to look over what you are selling. Follow a couple days later to close the sale.
- If there is a special event in your area, ask if you can set up a table to sell and promote your club at the same time.
- Spread the word. Ask friends and family to help you sell by asking people they know to buy apples and pecans.
- Sell to the parents on your sports teams or other youth organization you belong to.
- Sell to family and friends (Grandma is always good.)
- Ask your parents to sell at their work (maybe the boss will buy a bushel of apples to share with all his/her employees.
- Make a pitch or come up with a gimmick to let people know how good the apples taste.
- Sell to former northerners or snow birds who know just how yummy apples from up north can be.
- Offer to sell 1/4 bushels (you would have to handle this one yourself) and turn in 1/2 and full bushel orders to the 4-H office.
- Ask a local supermarket if you can sell outside their store.
- Ask organizations or churches that you belong to if your information on the sale can be included in their newsletter (timing would have to be just right for this one).